Growing up in a Christian family, I had the privilege to attend Sunday School. We were taught about Jesus, tithing, and biblical scriptures. And one of the things I fancied the most was singing songs, particularly, the BODY SONG. I got really really really really excited when my part came up…
"Hearing, hearing,
Small ears, hearing,
We don't, miss much,
Hearing all the time."
But everybody’s favorite part was, I believe, the Chorus part when we all held hands as we sang,
"We are the body of Christ,
We are the body of Christ,
Together bringing His love to the world."
Those lines never really mattered to me until last year. I have been harboring in my mind the idea of writing about the Body of Christ. But I have always felt “unworthy” to tackle in my blogs that subject. What do I know about it? Who am I to preach about the Body of Christ? I am but a 21-year-old lady who is imperfect as you are. I commit repugnant ways that hurt God. Many of my commissions displeased other Christians in a manner that if I decide to write about it, I will definitely defy the “walk-your-talk principle.”
But it is clear as day, if I continuously abstain from it, I will certainly never ever meet one of the purposes why God created me. So here I am, turning my back from shame and doing what God has put in my heart for a long time.
If it HURTS, then it MUST hurt. But please, bear with me.
Christians have always believed that we were set apart from the others. Ultimately, we were called to GLORIFY God. Consequently, we are bound to LOVE the UNLOVABLE, to make PEACE where there is CHAOS, and to choose JOY albeit the CIRCUMSTANCES. But we did LOSE the TRUE meaning of these things, didn't we? And unexpectedly, we lost them INSIDE the Body of Christ where they should emanate from. If one stared at the entire BODY from a distance, he would argue that it was not it because it did not look like it. More or less, the image constituted a DISASTER.
Who are we to preach about good things?
Who are we to stand in front of the mob and lead them in singing praise and worship songs?
Who are we to judge the ungodly?
Who are we to advise about forgiveness when we cannot forgive our brother or sister?
Who are we to pray for change?
Who are we to pray for our nation’s unity?
Who are we to claim that we are Christians?
WHEN YOU CAN FIND MORE BITTERNESS, HATRED, DIVISIONS, JUDGMENTS AND CHAOS THAN LOVE, PEACE, JOY and UNITY inside OUR very own NATION, the Body of Christ. Yes I know... I know.. "We are travelers of this world and our citizenship is in heaven." But do you think that we look like from up there? Because I think we look more like the natives of this world. If it hurts, then it must hurt.
If we continuously accept these, then we must be called HYPOCRITES. We pretend. We never mean what we do our say. If you are asking “why?” Then let me answer “why not?” WE ARE JUST LIKE ANY OTHER. If it hurts, then it must hurt.
This is not to say that we should be without flaw.
This is not to say that we should stop serving God.
This is to say that we all have to work on more important things, forgetting that we came from different churches and heeding that we are all in one body.
This is not to say that I am coming from a church in which God’s presence manifests more.
This is not to say that your church is more superior than mine.
This is to say that we have ONE GOD who looks at us with equality.
Once again, will we put our pride down? Will we forget about hatred? Will we turn our backs from our differences?
If our answer is “NO,” then why have we accepted CHRIST in the first place? Or maybe, we just thought we have accepted CHRIST but the truth is, we haven’t.
Shake a Christian and ask, “WHAT DO WE THINK ARE WE DOING?”
Call me frank.
Call me anything you want.
But at the end of the day, I pray that WE will ALL realize that IT IS TIME.
Corinthians 12:2
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.
Countless times I attempted to do this. Only now it has been consummated.
In fact, I was halfway through when everything I typed was accidentally deleted.
Lord, speak unto us.
It's not about us. It's about HIM.
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