“And they lived happily ever after.”
Yup, you first heard it from Cinderella. After Cinderella and Prince Charming’s wedding, they waved their last and went away with their royal carriage prolly heading to their honeymoon destination. And I know you know what happened next – the narrator ended the story with the line.
Although Disney came up with other princesses like Ariel, Belle, Aurora, Jasmine, Snow White and Pocahontas, there is something about Cinderella that most girls always fall in love with. Definitely not her equally evil step mother and step sisters! But is it Cinderella herself? The fairy god mother? Prince Charming? Or the story in its entirety? I pick the last one. Who could ever forget the story of a girl who lost her loving father? Serving the ill-willed stepmom and inconsiderate sisters, she spent her life as a maid. But despite the mishaps in the life of Cinderella, she still ended up marrying Prince Charming. Thanks to fairy god mother and the talking mice!
Admit it. We were enamored by her story to death. “We loved the fact that she ended up with Prince Charming.” Our inclination has grown deeply in us that we tend to “unconsciously” pattern our love stories after Cinderella’s - the step mother and step sisters are the obstacles. Prince Charming is the price, the one. A big part of our lives is dedicated to finding our Prince Charming or Cinderella. This should not be the case, though.
Let me neglect to mention the young people these days. They enter into relationships as if they were merely entering into contracts – once breached, rescission takes place. Relationships are not like the clothes we wear daily – once dirtied, we dump them into the bin where the other dirty and used clothes are. Reality check: This Is R E A L I T Y. The equation is not you + boys/girls = happily ever after. Actually, it is somewhat like this: Cinderella’s life + our lives = non-identical facts. There is no fairy god mother to turn dilapidated clothes into a dazzling gown, mice into horses, and pumpkin into carriage. More so, there are no talking mice. Let me remind you that that it is JUST A FAIRY TALE created by men. Thus, it is under a controlled environment.
Even at a young age, people itch to have girlfriends/boyfriends. Having undergone a number of relationships does not amount to anything. Sometimes people brag about it. But in truth it does not make one prettier, more gwapo or macho. When those relationships fail, you send those people away – each taking a part of you. You gradually lose yourself. By the time you see things clearly, you are almost empty. But if you can just wait… wait for the right time, wait on God.
When I was younger, I did not understand why parents forbade their children to engage in intimate relationships at a very young age. As young boys and girls, we lashed back to our parents for prohibiting us from “falling in love, from living happily ever after.” But now I understood. I am now 22 and I am in a 3-year relationship; my folks’ lectures never weighed as heavy as now. It is ironic that young people think they know everything but when they grow older, they come to realize that they know little.
Personally, I admire people who wait on the Lord especially when it relates to this aspect. They guard their hearts because they know hearts are deceitful. A racing heart accompanied by flying butterflies in one’s stomach is not always tantamount to love. So what if you choose to stay single while everyone is chasing Prince Charming? It is nobler to preserve yourself until you TRULY know you are ready than to try and try people and in return let yourself be tried. Happily ever after is not about finding the one. You love a person. You go through good and tough times. It is during your journey as partners that you choose her/him to be the one, your one. To put it bluntly, I just wanted you to take heed of this reminder: Wait on God. Wait for the right time. Ask him/her from God. Remember that God gave us free will but let Him coach you on this matter. Why be envious of Cinderella or others’ love story when yours is written by the hand of God? I do not guarantee that it is gonna be all rainbows and butterflies. But I promise you that stories directed by God include a line that says, “And they lived happily ever after.”
This blog is dedicated to my parents who have a god-written love story. ♥
~ LOVE is a word no man can define, it’s something only GOD could design. ~
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